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Sawn Timber - Plywood - Blockboard - Molding - Pellet


01 / Sawn Timber
Kayu gergajian


A sawmill is a facility where logs are cut into lumber. Modern sawmills use a bandsaw to cut logs lengthwise to make long pieces, and crosswise to length depending on standard or custom sizes. For the Wahyu Karya sawmill, the raw materials have been cut to market needs, especially 4m length. After being cut, wood split using band saw type 42 and 44, and then proceed again become the size that the market needs.


Sawn timber size :

  • 6x12x4m, 2x20x4m, 3x30x4m, and as ordered


Sawmill atau penggergajian adalah tempat pemotongan kayu gelondongan menjadi balok kayu. Pabrik gergaji modern menggunakan gergaji bermotor untuk memotong kayu memanjang untuk membuat potongan panjang, dan menyilang dengan panjang tergantung pada ukuran standar atau khusus. Untuk sawmill pada Wahyu Karya, bahan baku dipotong untuk kebutuhan pasar, terutama panjang 4m. Setelah dipotong, kayu dipecah menggunakan bandsaw tipe 42 dan 44, dan kemudian dilanjutkan lagi menjadi ukuran yang dibutuhkan pasar:


Ukuran kayu gergajian :

  • 6x12x4m, 2x20x4m, 3x30x4m, dan sesuai pesanan



02 / Plywood
Kayu lapis


Plywood is a pile of wood layers called veneers that are glued together. Plywood is made of wood which is arranged vertically/transversely between the bottom sheet and the top sheet together and glued with special wood glue so that it can be determined with a certain thickness.

Plywood is usually used to make household furniture such as chairs, cabinets, kitchen utensils.


Plywood size :

  • Wide : 1220mm

  • Length : 2440mm

  • Thickness : 3,2mm, 4,8mm, 9mm, 12mm, 15mm, and 18mm


Kayu lapis atau yang juga disebut dengan triplek merupakan tumpukan lapisan kayu disebut dengan veneer yang direkatkan secara bersama. Triplek terbuat dari bahan kayu yang disusun secara vertikal/melintang antara lembaran bawah dengan lembaran bagian atasnya secara bersama-sama disusun dan direkatkan dengan lem kayu khusus sehingga dapat ditentukan dengan ketebalan tertentu.

Plywood biasanya digunakan untuk membuat perabotan rumah tangga seperti kursi, lemari, perkakas dapur.


Ukuran kayu lapis : 

  • Lebar : 1220mm

  • Panjang : 2440mm

  • Ketebalan : 3,2mm, 4,8mm, 9mm, 12mm, 15mm, and 18mm



03 / Wood Pellet
Pelet Kayu


Wood Pellet is an alternative fuel made from sawdust. Wood Pellet's raw materials are sawn industrial waste, logging waste, and other wood industry wastes. This raw material has high lignin content as a natural adhesive.

Wood Pellet can be used as boiler fuel, cooking and heating, also as a fuel for power plants. Nowadays, many countries have switched from coal to wood pellets due to many considerations, one of which is the result effects. Coal waste is certainly more difficult to handle than Wood Pellet, from that the data obtained using Wood Pellet can save more costs than other fuels.


Specification :


Mix (½ Softwood + ½ Hardwood)

Calorific Value :  Up to 4800 Kcal/Kg

Ash content : 0,7%




Wood Pellet merupakan bahan bakar alternatif yang terbuat dari serbuk kayu. Bahan baku Wood Pellet berupa limbah industri penggergajian, limbah tebangan, dan limbah industri kayu lainnya. Bahan baku ini memiliki kadar ligan yang tinggi sebagai zat perekat alami.

Wood Pellet dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bakar pembakaran boiler, pemasakan dan penghangat ruangan, serta bahan bakar untuk pembangkit listrik. Saat ini banyak negara yang sudah beralih dari batubara menuju wood pellet dikarenakan banyak pertimbangan, salah satunya adalah akibat yang ditimbulkan. Limbah batubara tentunya lebih sulit ditangani dari pada Wood Pellet, selain itu dari data yang diperoleh penggunaan Wood pellet dapat lebih menghemat biaya daripada bahan bakar lain.


Spesifikasi :


Campuran (½ Kayu Lunak + ½ Kayu Keras)

Nilai Kalor :  Up to 4800 Kcal/Kg

Kadar Abu : 0,7%




04 / Blockboard


Blockboard is a variation of plywood, made of bare core sheets glued between two veneer layers.
Blockboard material is usually softwood but has a durability that is flexible and not easily broken. The use of blockboards is often found on shelves, tables, benches, wooden panels, cabinets, or doors.


Blockboard size :

  • Wide : 1220mm

  • Length : 2440mm

  • Thickness : 18mm


Blockboard adalah variasi dari plywood, terbuat dari lembaran inti strip kayu (barecore) dilem di antara dua lapisan veneer.

Bahan blockboard biasanya adalah kayu lunak namun memiliki daya tahan yang fleksibel dan tidak mudah patah. Penggunaan blockboard sering didapati pada rak, meja, bangku, panel kayu, lemari atau pintu.


Ukuran Blockboard :

  • Lebar : 1220mm

  • Panjang : 2440mm

  • Ketebalan : 18mm



05 / Molding


Molding is a home decorating technique by using a mold to give it the desired shape. Molding is a home decorating technique by using a mold to give it the desired shape.


Molding adalah sebuah teknik dekorasi rumah dengan menggunakan cetakan untuk memberikan bentuk yang diinginkan. molding adalah sebuah teknik dekorasi rumah dengan menggunakan cetakan untuk memberikan bentuk yang diinginkan. 


Wood Pellet
Pile of Logs

Raw Material

Bangkirai, Kapur, Keruing, Meranti, and Sengon Wood.

Wahyu Karya does cooperate with some companies to get the log wood supply. The company get the raw material from several companies and from two sources, natural forest and community forest. The nature forest, consist of bangkirai, kapur, keruing, and meranti wood, with permit of Permenhut no.43 2015. Also from the community forest, is sengon wood with permit of Permenhut no.85 2016. Log wood from nature forest are using for sawn wood, and in good category, are processed become veneer as raw material for plywood. Sengon wood  processed as veneer in the form of core and centre core as a raw material for plywood.
Wahyu Karya estabilish a cooperation with the trusted companies and have legal permit. For raw material, log wood got from companies that have a permit of HPH (Hak Pengusahaan Hutan) and IPK (Ijin Pemanfaatan Kayu). HPH is the right to cultivate forests in a forest area, which includes logging activities, regeneration, forest treatment, processing and marketing of forest products in accordance with the work plan of forest concessions according to the provisions of the applicable provisions and based on the principle of forest conservation and company principles. HPH can be given to BUMN and Private Owned Company (PT), in which meet certain requirements in accordance with the provisions applied by the Minister of Forestry. HPH is a forest concession right that focuses on logging as an industrial base material and for export purposes. The period of time for cultivating the forest is a maximum of 20 years but can be extended. IPK is a permit to utilize wood and/or non-wood from convertible and released production forest areas, production forest areas with exchanging forest areas, use of forest areas in production forests or protected forests with borrow and use licenses, and from APL (Areal Penggunaan Lain) that have been granted allocation permits.

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